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Research and Articles Relating to RPM & Mentoring Minds
"Building Trust and Confidence Through Rapid Prompting Method, with Madison Imber"
"On this episode, host Sara Intonato engages in an insightful conversation about hope, perseverance, and the unique experiences of neurodiverse individuals. Joining her is Madison Imber, a dedicated RPM practitioner from Calgary, Alberta, who offers a wealth of knowledge on supporting individuals with communication challenges."
"Interventions to Redirect Behaviors and Improve Learning in Non-Speaking
Autistic Individuals: An Exploratory Analysis of the Rapid Prompting
Method (RPM)"
"The present study replicated and extended a relatively novel therapy for individuals with autism who lack functional
speech, called Rapid Prompting Method (RPM). RPM uses rapid continuous prompting to redirect attention from sensory preoccupations to facilitate learning."
speech, called Rapid Prompting Method (RPM). RPM uses rapid continuous prompting to redirect attention from sensory preoccupations to facilitate learning."
“Luke in his own words: Kamloops youth advocates for non-speakers like him”
“Despite spending 19 years as a non-speaker, Verhoeff is incredibly eloquent. Before he connected with Imber, you’d have never known it. However, now that he’s mastered RPM, he’s been enjoying the opportunity to strengthen connections with those around him.”
“Interactive AR Applications for Nonspeaking Autistic People? — A Usability Study”
Thoughtfully designed “AR applications could provide members of this population with structured learning opportunities, including training on skills that underlie alternative forms of communication. A fundamental step toward creating such opportunities, however, is to investigate nonspeaking autistic people’s ability to tolerate a head-mounted AR device and to interact with virtual objects. We present the first study to examine the usability of an interactive AR-based application by this population....”
“Can Cross-Reality Help Nonspeaking Autistic People Transition to AR Typing?”
“The goal of this training is to equip individuals with the required skills to be able to type independently. Recent studies have proposed using AR to provide opportunities for nonspeakers to practice the motor skills involved in typing....”
“Augmented reality technology helps non-speaking autistic population find their voice”
“UCalgary-developed HoloBoard system helps autistic students with motor skills and communication....”
“‘I found my voice’: Calgary teen hopes to inspire others with autism to try new form of communication”
“A Calgary teenager living with autism wants the world to know the benefits of a form of communication he says has changed his life....”
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